April 28, 2022

Celeb Yogalosophy


We’ve all been there: the zip on our jeans resolutely refuses to cooperate and the buttons on our top ping off like mini projectiles – umm, yes, a sure sign that it’s time to head off to the gym.

Somehow though, the thought of parading one’s wobbly bits in the company of Lycra clad Gods and Goddesses doesn’t always appeal, so we settle down to nibble on something with a calorific value of a medieval banquet and forget about the whole fitness thing, until our next pair of jeans burst at the seams!

For most folks the battle to stay in shape (or not) is at least, a private matter but for celebrities who are constantly in the spotlight and the flashing lenses of the paparazzi, those jiggly bits can be a source of media led humiliation. No wonder then that Aries, Victoria Beckham is said to loathe working-out at the gym, preferring the camera free privacy of her own home.

And fortunately, Posh has found an exercise regime which spares her the grind of a daily journey to a fitness center. Mandy Ingber, Aquarian, Jennifer Aniston’s fitness guru and friend, has come up with a great new way to keep in shape called; ‘Yogalosophy’.

Yogalosophy combines yoga and astrology to help sculpt the body and strengthen the mind. This program involves two 30-mintue yoga routines which are then followed by 55 minutes of various yoga poses. This Ingber claims, is designed to help weight loss whilst at the same time increasing muscle definition.

The best part about this idea is that you can follow the program in the privacy of your own home by exercising along with one of Ingber’s DVDs. Now all Posh has to do is to decide which home to exercise in – ah well, life can be hard for a celeb…choices, choices! Yet with her 36th birthday heading up on the 17th of April, she is unlikely to lack the motivation to use the stars and yoga to help her stay in-trim!

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Celeb Yogalosophy

April 28, 2022


February 28, 2022
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